Add a Dumpster to Your Tornado Preparedness Plan
According to the University of Winnipeg, tornadoes are most probable from May through August, with June and July being the most likely months for the weather event to occur. There are an average of 7 to 10 tornadoes within our neck of the province each year, which makes it a very real threat to homes and commercial properties. Consequently, property owners are advised to remain on alert throughout the spring and summer months. While primary focus must be placed on ensuring personal safety and protecting property, a comprehensive tornado preparedness plan should also factor in recovery from the fallout. Immediate debris cleanup is of great importance as it assists with assessing damage and clears residential, commercial, and public spaces from hazardous obstacles. It also provides an opportunity for mental and emotional healing for those who may experience trauma from the dramatic weather incident. An integral component to post-tornado cleanup is a dumpster rental. While you can wait to secure one or more as required for after the passing of a tornado, we suggest that renting one when they have been forecast (monitor alerts for Winnipeg here) is the most diligent strategy. Please read ahead to learn more.
Why Winnipeg MB Property Owners Should Make Affordable Bins a Part of Their Tornado Preparedness Plan this Season
Post-Tornado Cleanup of Debris
“A tornado is a violently rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most violent tornadoes are capable of tremendous destruction with wind speeds of 500 km/h. What makes a tornado dangerous is that its energy is concentrated in a small area, perhaps only a hundred meters across. Tornadoes can uproot trees, destroy buildings, and turn harmless objects into deadly missiles.”
University of Winnipeg
Whether a tornado is mild, moderate, or severe, your property and the surrounding area will be scattered with debris. By having a dumpster bin on premises, you and your cleanup crew (as applicable) will be able to quickly gather and toss this debris into the dumpster. Given that Affordable Bins dumpsters can hold everything, you won’t have to sort through the scrap unless you want to. Our bins are as ideal for uprooted trees and fences as they are for shattered glass and blown-off roofing materials. There is nothing that a tornado can throw your way that our bins can’t handle. Once full, simply call Affordable Bins for prompt pickup and removal. That’s right – we offer junk removal services too. View dumpster sizes and rates right here.

Offers Protection Against Adjacent Property
Our dumpster bins are constructed from reinforced steel and come in sizes of up to 20-cubic feet in length. While the primary purpose will be for weather event cleanup, it’s not hard to see how they can assist with tornado preparedness. A large bin provides a barrier against a tornado when positioned against a vulnerable part of your property. You can have the bin placed along a susceptible stretch of a house or building to provide protection while being convenient for future cleanup.
Affordable Bins is ready and waiting for your call, offering quick response time on requests for dumpster rentals. If harsh wether is on the horizon this season (monitor alerts for Winnipeg here) get ahead of it by renting a dumpster. If the weather event does not occur, you can take advantage of having a very cost-efficient (click to view rates) receptacle on-site to take care of standard cleanup jobs that the spring and summer months generally call for.