Dumpster Rental for Auto Body and Mechanic Shops in Winnipeg

Dumpster Rental for Auto Body and Mechanic Shops in Winnipeg

Never mind the oil and grease stains, as auto body and mechanic shops are a hot bed for scrap from the vehicles that roll (or are towed) in and out of the facility each day. To ensure obstacles don’t impede upon workspace, nor present a danger to the public, mechanics, and other personnel, your place of business must maintain a commercial dumpster on the property for at least one week each month. If your auto shop is located in the greater Winnipeg area you have already found the solution you’re looking for. Here’s why.

Why Auto Body Shops and Mechanics in the Greater Winnipeg Area Choose Affordable Bins for Dumpster Rental and Scrap Removal

Bins for Scrap Cars and Parts

Scrap auto parts or even entire jalopies make up the bulk of your junk buildup. Many dumpster rental companies in Winnipeg don’t have the fleet of dumpster bins to manage that sort of load. This is not an issue for Affordable Bins. We have the commercial-industrial capacity dumpsters ready for your receptacle and disposal needs. Click here to view more on our scrap car and auto parts pickup and removal service.

Bins for Tires

Tires are another big burden for your auto body shop. But not only will a dumpster provide a receptacle for old tires that need to be removed and reprocessed, it can be leveraged to organize and sort new/usable ones. There are challenges to storing small and large quantities of tires, no matter if they are set on the tread, barrel stacked, or laced. By placing them in a large and accessible bin you will have peace of mind that they are not compromised during and after business hours.

Bins for Other Auto Shop Odds & Ends

Auto body shops have to deal with more than scrap cars, parts, and tires. Don’t fret, because we have the bins, crew, equipment, and machinery to place your dumpsters where you need them and to collect whatever it is you need, wherever on (or off) site it may be. We’re talking scrap metal, wood, tubes/pipes, bricks/concrete, and auto electronics in addition to all sorts of commercial-industrial recyclables.

Most Cost Efficient Rates in Winnipeg

For the professional and studious service we provide you won’t find a more cost efficient means to collecting and removing your auto body scrap in Winnipeg. And whether you need your dumpster/s for a week or entire month we’ve got you covered. Click here to view our rates, or simply pick up the phone to inquire about your specific needs. Call Affordable Bins at 204.222.6004 for a quote.

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