Dumpster for Branches and Brush Removal

Dumpster for Branches and Brush Removal

We’re in the thick of autumn in southern Manitoba and that marks the best time of the year to remove haggard brush from your property. Other plants (those you want to keep on your property) are dormant at this time of the year so you don’t have to worry about disturbing them and their soil as much. It’s no easy task though, and you can use a helping hand to make sure it goes efficiently and in an eco-friendly manner. Renting dumpster bins are a big step in the right direction and is much more economical than you may think. Below is everything you need to know. 

Why Renting Dumpster Bins Are Critical to Successfully Removing Brush and Branches from Your Winnipeg Property

First, Why You Need to Remove Brush Right Away in Autumn

The unsightly appearance of brush is one thing. But prompt removal is critical for another reason. Brush is Mother Nature’s unintended mess and often contains invasive species that block the sunlight from getting to the ground. Without natural light, dense shade takes over and hardwood tree seedlings such as Oak and Walnut gradually die. The same goes for a variety of wildflowers and plants that essential pollinators (bees, wasps, birds, etc.) need to thrive and do their duty in supporting local food crops and gardens and ultimately contribute to the photosynthesis we need to survive. Long story short, invasive brush is dangerous and when it’s on your property you need to take action, especially in autumn when natural light is limited.

A Dumpster On Site Allows for Quick Removal

By having a dumpster placed near the brush removal area you will have an easily accessible place to toss obtrusive and invasive branches, vines, and more. Affordable Bins will bring bins to your site, right where you want them. Better yet, when done, we will pick up the dumpster/s and dispose (for a small fee) of the contents.

Separate Dumpsters for Responsible Sorting

Removing brush is of course more complicated than hacking at it and tossing natural debris into a receptacle. You need to sort everything being removed so that it goes to the right place and supports environmental interests. You need one bin for pure compost, another for rocks, and another for wood that you can use for firewood for the cold autumn/winter days to come – a sustainable means to heating your home! You can also rent a 3 cubic yard bin for smaller branches, twigs, and dried leaves which upon collection can be placed into a chipper to make wood chips which are fantastic for garden mulch. Natural mulch prevents weed growth while helping plants retain moisture and heat through harsh Manitoba winters. With a variety of bin sizes you can sort removed brush with ease and make sure that it serves sustainable goals of your property and community alike.

View dumpster bin sizes and rates here and if you’re in our wide service area feel free to contact Affordable Bins any time to discuss your needs.