What to do with Broken Tree Branches

What to do with Broken Tree Branches

After some fairly significant winter windstorms we ventured around a few undisclosed neighborhoods and found a number of troubling sites. There were large tree branches everywhere. These organic obstacles blocked pathways, spilled out into the streets, and created an eyesore on top of being physical hazards. Even worse, is that most were left for days, if not weeks. It seems that no one wanted to take responsibility for them. Isn’t it the city’s job, after all? Not necessarily. If the tree from which the branch was ripped from was on your property, you as the homeowner of a detached home or manager of a multifamily complex could be held liable. Should an accident or injury occur, you may face trouble in claims court. Plus, why would anyone want to leave woodland scrap on their lawn, bush, or sidewalk in the first place? What to do with broken tree and fallen tree branches in the greater Winnipeg area? Rent an affordable dumpster for a week to safely gather it up and remove if from the property.

Simply put, don’t let the area surrounding your property look anything like this:

What to do with Broken and Fallen Tree Branches Winnipeg

This won’t be a hazard to pedestrians at all…right? (this was here for DAYS)

Rent a Dumpster

What to do with Broken and Fallen Tree Branches Winnipeg

Creative way to claim your parking space? Also a major hazard.

Rent a Dumpster

What to do with Broken and Fallen Tree Branches Winnipeg

Hoping to make a cyclist catch-a-tire and fall from their bike?

Rent a Dumpster

What to do with Broken and Fallen Tree Branches Winnipeg

That orange cone is doing a stellar job of protecting a commercial property from liability…

Rent a Dumpster

What to do with Broken and Fallen Tree Branches Winnipeg

Hoping it will blend in with the environment? Nothing better than a hard to see (at night) obstacle…

Rent a Dumpster

What to do with Broken and Fallen Tree Branches Winnipeg

Nothing to see here folks. The CAUTION tape is doing a great job of preventing trip-and-falls…



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